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Policies & Terms of Use

Here are a few important policies that we apply to maintain your privacy.


  1. When you take an action on this website that collects your name and email address, you authorize Jeralee Anderson to include your name and email address on her email communication list and can expect to receive periodic emails from her. You can unsubscribe or re-subscribe at any time. The purpose of these emails is intended as normal public and community relations.

  2. We will use your email address and name for routine news and communications related to Jeralee Anderson's professional, political and personal activities and announcements, including and not limited to press releases, advocacy opportunities related to her policy priority issues, volunteer opportunities for organizations she cares about, political endorsements, community event invitations, administrative messages about your account, including if you have made any payments or contributions. You can choose the type of information you receive from us with your email subscription.

  3. We will not sell your contact information for any reason whatsoever. 

  4. As a seated elected official, communications with Jeralee Anderson may be subject to public disclosure rules. Emails, tweets, private messages and other information related to current city business, or items pending before the City Council, Cascade Water Alliance, State of Washington Public Works Board, Community Airport Revitalization Board, or the State of Washington Enhanced 911 Advisory Committee will be forwarded to the respective clerk and are considered part of the public record. If you have official business for Jeralee, she appreciates if you use official channels, which you can find here.

  5. As a nonprofit executive, marketing communications related to Jeralee's nonprofit organization, Sustainable Transport Council (also known as Greenroads Foundation) can be signed up for separately at:

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